About us
The Hrano company is a well established gardening company operating since 1988. Our business focuses mainly on landscape architecture, as well as a nursery of decorative plants. We offer a complete service starting with a simple conceptual design right through to installation. We also offer maintenance of private gardens as well as public spaces. Recently, we have added design and installation of automatic irrigation systems into our portfolio.
Our nursery’s main goal is to grow and sell ornamental plants. We are increasing the available selection of varieties every year.
Our florist shop offers flower arrangements for all occasions – weddings, funerals and gift flowers including any other events (balls, company receptions, etc.).
We design, install and maintain indoor plant arrangements as well.
We have organised shows and open days since 2002.
The company is a member of the Association of nurseries of the Czech Republic.
Ing. Alena Hraňová
- Founder and owner
- Credentials: M.S. Landscape Architecture, Mendel University Brno
- Landscape Designer
- Florist
- Her focus is on plant, nursery, and wholesale and retail
Ing. Vladimír Hraňo
- Founder
- Credentials: M.S. Landscape Architecture, Mendel University Brno
- Licensed Landscape Architect
- Specialisation: design, installation and maintenance, including the chemical plant protection
Ing. Martin Hraňo DiS.
- Credentials: B.C. Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture and Secondary School of Horticulture, Melnik and M.S. Horticulture Engineering , Mendel University Brno
- Professional Internship Scotland
- Specialisation: design, installation and maintenance, design and installation of automatic irrigation systems.
Ing. Zuzana Hraňová
- Credentials: M.S. Management of Landscape Architecture, Mendel University Brno
- Professional internships The Netherlands and United States of America
- Specialisation: design, installation and maintenance
- Has participated in floristry seminars
- Retail
Ing. Gabriela Rychnovská
- Credentials: M.S. Horticulture Engineering , Mendel University Brno
- Florist with DFA certification – Dutch Florist Association
- Specialisation: design, installation and maintenance of indoor plants, floristry and floristry tutor
Martin Hraňo ml.
- The young addition to the team, following in the footsteps of his ancestors
Laura Hraňová
- The youngest addition to the team.